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is composed of 16 items, each one contains a descriptor of people who end their life by suicide. Participants filling out this scale should determine their amount of agreement with each descriptor by choosing from five options ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). SOSS-SF includes three subscales: stigmatizing attitude toward suicide (8 items), attribution of isolation or depression on suicide (4 items), and normalizing or glorification of suicide (4 items). Each subscale score is calculated by obtaining the mean of responses to the items representing that subscale, yielding scores in the range between one and five, with a mean score higher than three indicates agreement with the targeted concept

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Not available

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country


this scale is composed of 12 true/false items that measure knowledge about suicide in four dimensions: signs and symptoms (three items), causes/nature of suicide (four items), risk factors (two items), and treatment and prevention (two items)Total score is obtained by summing the true responses and converting it to a percentage, yielding a range of scores between 0% to 100%. It is also possible to calculate the score of each of the four dimensions. Since each item has only two responses, item response theory was used instead of classical testing theory to assess the psychometrics of this scale.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Not available

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Aldalaykeh, Mohammed 2020 19.76 ± 1.48. Both Student Jordan


The MDQ was developed by a team of psychiatrists, researchers and consumer advocates to address a critical need for timely and accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder, which can be fatal if left untreated. The questionnaire takes about five minutes to complete, and can provide important insights into diagnosis and treatment. Clinical trials have indicated that the MDQ has a high rate of accuracy; it is able to identify seven out of ten people who have bipolar disorder and screen out nine out of ten people who do not

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Uta Ouali 2020 19 - 61 Both patients with a current major depressive episode Tunisia
151 Free


The Hayling Sentence Completion Test (HSCT), originally developed by Burgess & Shallice, is one of the available tools that evaluate inhibition. It is a measure of prepotent response inhibition that detects frontal lobe dysfunction. In this test, participants hear sentences in which the last word is absent. In the automatic condition, participants are asked to complete sentences correctly (i.e., by a word solidly related to the sentence), reflecting the initiation of a semantically supported automatic response. In the inhibition condition, participants are asked to restrain themselves from saying the cueing word, and to complete the sentence with a totally unrelated word. To perform this task appropriately, participants have to inhibit the related word and its semantic associates.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Boutros, Sarah 2020 18 - 100 Both Not available Lebanon


The Psychological Well-Being-Post-Traumatic Changes Questionnaire (PWB-PTCQ) is an 18-item self-report measure that assesses perceived changes in psychological well-being after experiencing a traumatic event across six domains: self-acceptance, autonomy, purpose in life, relationships , sense of mastery, and personal growth

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Alghamdi, M 2020 18 - 60 Both . Participants who had experienced a traumatic event Saudi Arabia


Cancer Needs Questionnaire-Short Form is a self-administered questionnaire used to evaluate patients with cancer needs cross-several domains: psychological domain (11 items), health information needs (7 items), physical and daily needs (6 items), patient care and support needs (5 items), and interpersonal/communication needs (3 items).

Area of assessment
General health, Mental health, Quality of life, Speech/language/communication.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Sharour, L 2020 mean age 43.2 (11.83) Both cancer patients Jordan


diagnostic infant preschool assessment is a semi-structured diagnostic interview for caregivers. It focuses on psychiatric disorders in young children from late in their first year to six years of age

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Shaker, N 2020 preschool children 30


The SDHS includes six items with three positively and three negatively worded items. The responses are given on a four-point scale, ranging from 0 (never) to 3 (often).

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Yildirim, M 2020 18 - 82 Both general population 656 Contact Author


The WMT is a computerized wordlist learning PVT which includes six subtests: (a) Immediate Recognition (IR): Pairs of semantically associated nouns are presented twice on a computer screen. The participant is then requested to identify the nouns out of target-foil pairs (i.e., a forced-choice recognition memory paradigm). (b) Delayed Recognition (DR): The participant is requested to identify the previously presented nouns using a forced-choice recognition memory paradigm (target or foil) after a 30-min delay. (c) Multiple Choice (MC): The participant must match the first noun of the originally presented noun pairs to its matching noun. Each time, eight options are presented to the participant. (d) Paired Associates (PA): In each trial, the experimenter provides a noun and the participant is requested to recall the noun with which it was previously paired. (e) Free Recall (FR): The participant is requested to recall the original nouns. (f) Long Delayed Free Recall (LDFR): The participant is requested to recall of the original nouns following a 20-min delay. In addition, a consistency score (CNS), assessing the consistency of responses in the IR and DR subtests, was calculated. As part of the current study, the WMT's classification scheme was used to determine noncredible performance, based on participants’ accuracy in the WMT's IR and DR subtests and their CNS scores. Cases flagged as “caution” by the software (i.e., border-zone performance) were considered as passing the WMT.

Area of assessment
Knowledge/attitude, Mental health.


Age Group
Not available

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Bajjaleh, Christine 2021 18 - 60 Both Not available Israel


This 17-item instrument assesses ON with two separate dimensions : 9 items for Healthy Orthorexia or “HeOr” and 8 items for Orthorexia Nervosa or “OrNe”. Answers are scored on a four-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (= strongly disagree) to 3 (= strongly agree). Each score by each dimension was computed by summing up the items’ responses. No specific timeframe was asked from the participants while responding. Higher scores reflect more orthorexia nervosa and more healthy orthorexia, respectively. In this study, the Cronbach’s alpha was 0.853 for the TOS OrNe and 0.829 for the TOS HeOr.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Mhanna, Mariam 2021 15 - 18 Both General population Lebanon


The Düsseldorf Orthorexie Scale, a 10-item self-reported questionnaire, measures orthorexic eating behavior. A four-point Likert-scale from “this applies to me” (4 points) to “this does not apply to me” (1 point) is used. Higher points indicate more pronounced orthorexic behavior [3]. The maximum score is 40 points. As a preliminary cut-off score to indicate presence of ON, a score ≥ 30 is used. A score between 25 and 29 (95th percentiles) describes conspicuous eating behavior (indicating risk of ON

Area of assessment
Behavior, Mental health.


Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Rogoza, Radoslaw 2021 15 - 18 Both General population Lebanon
555 Free


The S19-HCPs tool evaluates the stigma towards healthcare providers working with patients with COVID-19

Area of assessment
Mental health.

Infectious disease.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Abdulqadir J Nashwan 2021 20 - 30 Both nurses working in COVID-19 designated facilities Iraq
27 Free


The “Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS)” is a reliable and efficient test battery that evaluates the major cognitive domains impaired in schizophrenia, including verbal memory, working memory, speed of information processing, motor speed, verbal fluency, and executive functions. The BACS was created to be easily used by medical professionals such as psychiatric nurses, clinicians, psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals.

Area of assessment
Behavior, Cognitive function, General health, Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Haddad, Chadia 2021 diagnosed with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders Lebanon
120 Contact Author


War Child Agency Assessment Scale - Palestinian version (WCAAS-Pal): the questionnaire was developed to evaluate agency in children from a multidimensional perspective. The questionnaire score reflected different domains of children’s agency as emerged from a bottom-up exploratory multi-method approach. The scale consists of items rated on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much). Sample items include “I can identify places that I enjoy and that are relaxing”, “I prefer to avoid places that remind me of the martyrs”, and “Discovering things about the world helps me feel in control of my life”.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Guido Veronese 2021 9 - 14 Both children Pitcairn


The scale is both a paper‐pencil and online administered instrument with 20 items. C19P-S to assess COVID-19-related distress.The scale items are rated on a 5‐point Likert scale and form four distinct but related subscales: Psychological, Somatic, Social, and Economic

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alnaddaf, Abdelsalam 2021 9 - 71 Both General population Jordan
469 Free


This scale represents aspects of quality of life important to women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and may be more sensitive for use in the clinical

Area of assessment
Mental health, Quality of life.

Gynecology, Women's health.

Age Group
Not available

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country
Nasiri Amiri, F 2021 Female women's Iraq


The Drug Abuse Screen Test (DAST-10) was designed to provide a brief, self-report instrument for population screening, clinical case finding and treatment evaluation research. It can be used with adults and older youth. The DAST-10 yields a quantitative index of the degree of consequences related to drug abuse. The instrument takes approximately 5 minutes to administer and may be given in either a self-report or interview format. The DAST may be used in a variety of settings to provide a quick index of drug abuse problems. The DAST-10 is a 10-item self-report instrument that has been condensed from the 28-item DAST. It was copyrighted in 1982 by Harvey Skinner, PhD and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada.

Area of assessment
Addiction, Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Hussam Aly Sayed Murad 2021 related to drug abuse Saudi Arabia


The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire – Aesthetic Surgery (BDDQ-AS) is a brief screening tool developed for cosmetic settings where a practitioner may wish to screen a patient for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

Area of assessment
Mental health.

Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery, Psychiatric.

Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country

Not available

The Modified Interest Checklist gathers information on a client's strength of interest and engagement in 68 activities in the past, currently, and in the future. The main focus is on leisure interests that influence activity choices.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country


The Multidimensional Cognitive Attentional Syndrome Scale (MCASS) was developed to assess the seven maladaptive forms of self-regulation that make up the cognitive attentional syndrome (CAS).

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
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Age Gender Condition Country

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