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Reliability and validity of Palestinian student alienation scale
To develop an a Arabic version of the Student Alienation Scale (SAS), two Arab bilinguals achieved consensus in their translation of the twenty-four items. Five hundred seventy-four students from 14 to 21 years of age completed the SAS, and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), the Symptom Checklist-90-R, and Spheres of Control (SOCQ). Internal consistency was found to be high (alpha = .75); split-half reliability was moderately high (.71), and test-retest was (r = .52, n = 29, p < .01). Estimates of concurrent validity indicated a significant correlation between the SAS and BDI, SWLS, SCL-90-R and SOCQ. The findings indicated that the Arabic version of SAS is suitable for use in research and clinical work
Abadallah T. Reliability and validity of Palestinian student alienation scale. Adolescence. 1997;32(126):367-.
Methods | Condition | Gender | Age | Country | Setting | Sample size |
healthy students | 14 - 21 |
Palestine |
Education Institute | 574 |
Measure does not require training
Not available