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233 search results


A self-report instrument designed to assess the personality/behavioral construct of impulsiveness among normal and clinical populations.The 30 items yield a are score for six first-order factors (attention, motor, self-control, cognitive complexity, perseverance, and cognitive instability impulsiveness) and three second-order factors (attentional, motor, and non-planning impulsiveness).

Area of assessment
Behavior, Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ellouze, F. 2013 20 - 49 Both healthy 134


A 21-question multiple-choice self-report inventory measuring the severity of depression. Three versions exist, the original BDI, later revised as the BDI-1A, and the BDI-II, published in 1996. The BDI-II is designed for individuals aged 13 and over,

Area of assessment
Depresssion, Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Abdel-Khalek, A 1998 Not available Egypt
Saudi Arabia
Naja, S. 2019 15 - 46 Female pregnant women Qatar
128 Not available


Measures balance among older people with impairment in balance function by assessing the performance of functional tasks. Objectively determines a patient's ability (or inability) to safely balance during a series of predetermined tasks.

Area of assessment
Balance, Function/disability/performance, vestibular.

Geriatric, Neurology, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Psychiatric, Rehabilitation, Ent.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alghwiri, A. A. 2016 43 +/- 14 Both vestibular disorders Jordan
Saudi Arabia


The Brief IPQ was designed to rapidly assess cognitive and emotional representations of illness . It was developed by using one question that best summarises the items contained in each subscale of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised which has over 80 items. The Brief IBQ comprises 5 items on cognitive representation of illness perception: consequences, timeline, personal control, treatment control, and identity. There are 2 items on emotional representation: concern and emotions. One item is on illness comprehensibility. The last item is on perceived cause of illness, in which respondents list the three most important causal factors in their illness

Area of assessment

Cardiovascular, Ent, Gastroenterology, Geriatric, Gynecology, Health, Hematology, Infectious disease, Metabolic /endocrine, Neurology, Obstetric, Oncology, Oral health, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Palliative, Psychiatric, Pulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, Urogenital, Women's health, Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Saarti, S. 2016 18 - above
18 - above
cardiac disease
cardiac condition



Assesses the severity of pain and the impact of pain on daily functions for patients with pain from chronic diseases or conditions such as cancer, osteoarthritis and low back pain, or with pain from acute conditions such as postoperative pain In self report or interview, Assessment areas: Severity of pain, impact of pain on daily function, location of pain, pain medications and amount of pain relief in the past 24 hours or the past week

Area of assessment

Cardiovascular, Ent, Gastroenterology, Geriatric, Gynecology, Hematology, Infectious disease, Metabolic /endocrine, Neurology, Obstetric, Oncology, Oral health, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Palliative, Psychiatric, Pulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, Urogenital, Women's health, Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Health.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ballout, S. 2011 18 - older Both oncology patients receiving pain treatment Lebanon
75 Pay

Not available

Cognistat is a cognitive screening tool that can detect cognitive deficits among patients with neurological and psychiatric conditions. Cognistat examines different major ability areas including level of language, construction, memory, calculation, reasoning, consciousness, orientation and attention.

Area of assessment
Cognitive function, Mental health, Speech/language/communication.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Almubark, B. 2015 Both healthy 22 Pay
Almubark, B. M. 2019 Both patients 169


The CAARMS is an instrument that assesses psychopathology characteristic of the prodromal phase of psychotic disorders and may therefore indicate impending onset of psychosis. It is used to determine whether a person meets the UHR criteria and psychotic transition. This is a semi-structured interview consisting of seven subscales: positive symptoms, cognitive symptoms, emotional disturbances, negative symptoms, behavioural changes, physical or motor changes, and general psychopathology. Each of these subscales is scored for severity and frequency. The scores in each subscale range from 0 to 6. The CAARMS is also used to determine the existence of a temporal relationship between symptoms and the use of substances, as well as the date of onset and end of symptoms, therefore the duration of each subcategory of symptoms. (v et al, 2014)

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Braham, A. 2014 16 - 30 Both healthy and patients Tunisia
58 Contact Author


A screening questionnaire for people with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). This may predict either dissatisfaction with a cosmetic procedure or no change or deterioration in symptoms of BDD,

Area of assessment
General health.

Psychiatric, Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al Arfaj, A. M. 2016 facial plastic outpatients Saudi Arabia

Not available

A questionnaire developed to screen for dementia using 17 questions divided into six categories, including memory, language, orientation, visuospatial memory, daily activities, and behavioral or personality changes.

Area of assessment
Cognitive function.

Neurology, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El Tallawy, H. N. 2016 Both Dementia patients Egypt


Assesses mental health literacy specific to depression by assessing the respondents' knowledge about depression. There are 22 statements for which respondents select what they believed to be the correct response from three possible choices (true, false, or I don't know).

Area of assessment
Depresssion, Health literacy.

Health, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Khan, A. N. 2016 adolescents Both Students Saudi Arabia
120 Free


The Depressive Cognition Scale (DCS) is an eight-item instrument that measures hopelessness, helplessness, powerlessness, purposelessness, worthlessness, loneliness, emptiness, and meaninglessness (Zauszniewski, 1995). Based on Beck’s cognitive theory of depression and Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development (Zauszniewski, 1995), the DCS assesses depressive cognitions that may stem from the unsuccessful resolution of Erikson’s eight developmental stages (Zauszniewski, 1995). The instrument is a selfadministered eight-item scale scored on a 6-point Likert-type scale ranging from 0 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. ( Zauszniewski and Bekhet, 2012).

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Bekhet AK 2010 adolescent Both nursing students Egypt


The Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) is a novel package of questionnaires, interviews, and rating techniques designed to generate ICD-10 and DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses on 5-16-year-olds. Nonclinical interviewers administer a structured interview to parents about psychiatric symptoms and resultant impact. When definite symptoms are identified by the structured questions, interviewers use open-ended questions and supplementary prompts to get parents to describe the problems in their own words. These descriptions are transcribed verbatim by the interviewers but are not rated by them. A similar interview is administered to 11-16-year-olds. Teachers complete a brief questionnaire covering the main conduct, emotional, and hyperactivity symptoms and any resultant impairment. The different sorts of information are brought together by a computer program that also predicts likely diagnoses. These computer-generated summary sheets and diagnoses form a convenient starting point for experienced clinical raters, who decide whether to accept or overturn the computer diagnosis (or lack of diagnosis) in the light of their review of all the data, including transcripts. (Goodman et al, 2000)

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, General health, Mental health.

Pediatric, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Zeinoun, P. 2012 5 - 17 Both child and adolescent psychiatric outpatients Lebanon
40 Contact Author

Not available

An overall measure of neuroticism found to have two interpretable factors: General neuroticism and Sleep problems and tension.

Area of assessment
anxiety, Depresssion, Mental health, Sleep/insomnia.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Abdel-Khalek, A. M. 2009 Both school and university students 2783


The General Health Questionnaire-28 is a self-administered screening device for identifying minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within community or non-psychiatric clinical settings. Suitable ages from adolescent and above – not suitable for children, It assesses the respondent’s current state and asks if that differs from his or her usual state. It is therefore sensitive to short-term psychiatric disorders but not to long-standing attributes of the respondent. It focuses on two major areas: The inability to carry out normal functions and the appearance of new and distressing phenomena.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alhamad, A. 1998 14 - 70 Both primary care clinic patients Saudi Arabia
60 Contact Author


A self-reported 10 item scale measure of self-efficacy, that is, people's beliefs about their capacity to cope with life's demands.

Area of assessment
Behavior, Beliefs, Knowledge/attitude.

Health, Cardiovascular, Community, Dermatology, Ent, Family/caregiver, Gastroenterology, Geriatric, Gynecology, Hematology, Human resources, Infectious disease, Intensive Care, Metabolic /endocrine, Neurology, Nursing, Obstetric, Occupation, Oncology, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Palliative, Pediatric, Psychiatric, Pulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, School, Surgery/Anaesthia, Urogenital, Women's health, Workplace.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Crandall, A. 2016 18 - 23 Female healthy Qatar
Crandall, A 2015 18 - 23 Female healthy students Qatar

GAD - 7

A screening tool and severity measure for generalised anxiety disorder. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) questionnaire is a seven-item, self-report anxiety questionnaire designed to assess the patient’s health status during the previous 2 weeks. The items enquire about the degree to which the patient has been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious or on edge, not being able to stop or control worrying, worrying too much about different things, having trouble relaxing, being so restless that it is hard to sit still, becoming easily annoyed or irritable and feeling afraid as if something might happen.

Area of assessment


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Sawaya, H. 2016 Both psychiatric outpatient Lebanon


A semi-structured, computerized clinical assessment tool that was developed to assist health workers in making quick, convenient and comprehensive standardized mental health assessments. It generates a computer diagnosis, a symptom rating, a self-harm risk assessment, and a referral letter.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Sharma, V. K. 2013 Both Mental health and rehabilitation United Arab Emirates
50 Contact Author


A clinician-administered depression assessment screening tool.

Area of assessment
Depresssion, Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Bachner, Y. G. 2016 16 - older Both Bedouin Arabs Palestine
125 Contact Author
Obeid, S. 2018 Both Depressed Patients and Controls Lebanon


A tool used to detect the levels of anxiety and depression that a patient is experiencing. The HADS is a fourteen item scale that generates ordinal data. Seven of the items relate to anxiety and seven relate to depression. Zigmond and Snaith created this outcome measure specifically to avoid reliance on aspects of these conditions that are also common somatic symptoms of illness, for example fatigue and insomnia or hypersomnia. This, it was hoped, would create a tool for the detection of anxiety and depression in people with physical health problems.

Area of assessment
anxiety, Depresssion, Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Gamal, E. 2017 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Jordan
Terkawi, A. S. 2017 Both in-patients Saudi Arabia
110 Free
El-Rufaie,O. E. 1987 Both patients Saudi Arabia
50 Contact Author
Al Aseri ZA 2015 16 - 30 Both A&E patients Saudi Arabia


The HCL-32 R1 may be used as a self-assessment of lifetime experiences of hypomanic symptoms on the continuum from normal to pathological. or for screening for bipolar-II, minor BP and subthreshold hypomania. The HCL-32-R1 does not provide a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, but can aid identification of potential bipolar cases in psychiatric, psychological and general practice.

Area of assessment
Mental health.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Fornaro, M. 2015 18 - 65 Both major depressive disorder Saudi Arabia

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