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Developed as a measure of basic cognitive skills and visual perception in older adults with neurological impairment. The LOTCA provides an in-depth assessment of basic cognitive abilities and can also be used in treatment planning and review of progress over time.

Area of assessment
Cognitive function, Vision.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Almomani, F. 2018 6 - 12 Both Developing (TD) children Saudi Arabia


The Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration is made up of 18 geometric shapes and figures administered to respondents in a seven-page booklet, with six figures in boxes on each page. The geometric designs are to be copied by the respondent directly beneath the figure provided in the test booklet. Several factors have an impact on the length of the test, including the test taker's age, ability to draw the figures accurately, and speed of completing the copying task. Administration of the Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration usually takes 10 to 30 minutes, and scoring takes another 15 minutes. The test booklet included demographic information.

Area of assessment


Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Mahmoud Mohamed Emam 2021 5 - 40 Both children from four Arab countries Kuwait
Saudi Arabia


The OSDI, which was created by the Outcomes Research Group at Allergan Inc in order to quickly assess the symptoms of ocular irritation in dry eye disease and how they affect functioning related to vision. This 12-item questionnaire assesses dry eye symptoms and the effects it has on vision-related function in the past week of the patient’s life.[6] The questionnaire has 3 subscales: ocular symptoms, vision-related function, and environmental triggers. Patients rate their responses on a 0 to 4 scale with 0 corresponding to “none of the time” and 4 corresponding to “all of the time.” A final score is calculated which ranges from 0 to 100 with scores 0 to 12 representing normal, 13 to 22 representing mild dry eye disease, 23 to 32 representing moderate dry eye disease, and greater than 33 representing severe dry eye disease. The OSDI assesses quality of life measures, which aligns the questionnaire with Federal Food and Drug Administration’s emphasis on utilizing patient-reported outcomes in order to support medicinal product submissions and clinical drug trial efficacy. Tear break up time is another way that clinicians assess dry eye disease. When OSDI and tear break up time were analyzed, a statistically significant inverse correlation between the test scores was found; the higher or worse the OSDI score, the lower or worse the tear break up time was

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Quality of life, Vision.


Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Bakkar, M 2021 31.21±13.2 Both General population Jordan
200 Pay


is a modified version of the 13-question instrument Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly, and was developed to assess individuals with visual/auditory and locomotor/SCI disabilities.

Area of assessment
General health, Physical activity, Vision.

Eye/vision, Health.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country


a quality of life questionnaire specifically intended for patients with VD

Area of assessment
Quality of life, Vision.

Eye/vision, Psychiatric.

Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country

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