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The PEDI is used to assess functional capabilities and performance, monitor progress in functional performance, and evaluate therapeutic or rehabilitative progress. in children with disabilities between the ages of 6 months to 7½ years. Can be used in older children if their functional development is delayed. The original publication date of the PEDI was 1992 (Coster & Haley,1992). The design of the PEDI supports both discriminative purposes such as determination of eligibility for disability related services (with norm-referenced standard scores) and evaluative purposes such as determining change following intervention (with criterion referenced scores).

Area of assessment

Pediatric, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Khudair, R.I. 2014 1 - 7 Both healthy Saudi Arabia


A health-related quality of life scale for children that addresses the impact of systemic rheumatic diseases such as mixed connective tissue disease, juvenile dermatomyositis ,systemic sclerosis, Sjögren’s syndrome, vasculitides,Behçets, sarcoidosis or systemic arthritis.Adapted from the Simple Measure of Impact of Lupus Erythematosus in Youngsters (SMILEY©).

Area of assessment
Quality of life.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Moorthy, L. N. 2014 2 - 18 Both systemic lupus erythematosus Egypt
Saudi Arabia
Moorthy, L. N. 2012 Both rheumatic diseases Egypt
Saudi Arabia


The LittlEARS Auditory Questionnaire was developed by Coninx et al. 2003. The questionnaire is part of a battery of tests, Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech (EARS) . LittlEARS Auditory Questionnaire is specifi- cally developed for children under 2 years of age. The questionnaire is based on the developmental research of auditory behavior milestones which exist in the repertoire of very young children at the preverbal stage

Area of assessment

Ent, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Geal-Dor, M. 2011 0 - 2
0 - 2
normal hearing children
children with cochlear implants



Instrument for assessing the presence and severity of depressive symptoms in children and adolescents (age 7-17).Has been used as a quick screening tool for depressive symptoms in clinical and general populations.There are 27 items quantifying symptoms such as depressed mood, hedonic capacity, vegetative functions, self-evaluation, and interpersonal behaviors. Each item consists of three statements graded in order of increasing severity from 0 to 2; children and adolescents select the one that characterized their symptoms best during the past 2 weeks. The item scores are combined into a total depression score, which ranges from 0 to 54. A higher CDI score means a higher depressive state.

Area of assessment
Depresssion, Mental health.

Pediatric, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Abdel-Khalek, A. M. 1998 14 - 18 Both school students Kuwait
Abdel-Khalek, A. M. 1993 11 - 15 Both Arabic children Egypt


Developed for professionals and paraprofessionals for the assessment of autistic behaviors in children and young teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), such as communication, social interaction and interests. It also facilitates progressive recording of the evolution of children with ASD involved in short-term therapeutical studies

Area of assessment
Social, Speech/language/communication, Symptoms.

Neurology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Hreich, E. K. 2017 35 - 153 months autism spectrum disorder Lebanon


A rating scale for assessing severity of depression and change in depressive symptoms for clinical research trials in children and adolescents with depression. The CDRS-R, which was based on the adult Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, was originally developed as a rating scale for children aged 6–12 years. It is a 17-item scale, with items ranging from 1 to 5 or 1 to 7 (possible total score from 17 to 113), rated by a clinician via interviews with the child and parent. A score of ≥40 is indicative of depression, whereas a score ≤28 is often used to define remission (minimal or no symptoms).

Area of assessment
Depresssion, Mental health.

Pediatric, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Hariz, N. 2012 12 - 18 Both Major Depressive Disorder and healthy 39 Contact Author


The IFI assesses strength of intentions to initiate breastfeeding and continue to provide breast milk as the sole source of milk throughout the first 6 months. The IFI score ranges from 0 (no intention to breastfeed) to 16 (very strong intentions to fully breastfeed for 6 months)

Area of assessment
Behavior, Beliefs, Function/disability/performance, Knowledge/attitude, Perception.

Family/caregiver, Pediatric.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Yehya, N. 2017 mean (SD) age: 28.3 (5.7) and 29.5 (5.3) years in Group 1 and Group 2, Female pregnants Lebanon


Measure of parents’ fever management practices; practices based on phobic beliefs. These unnecessary practices can significantly increase parents’ burden of care when caring for a febrile child. This instrument explores parents’ practices when their child is febrile on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Mostly, 5 = Always). Practices measured were, for example, checking on the child during the night, taking the child’s temperature regularly, and waking a child for an antipyretic

Area of assessment
Behavior, Beliefs.

Family/caregiver, Pediatric.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Zyoud, S. 2015 Both parents Palestine


A strength-based instrument designed to identify children's behavioral and emotional strengths. The scale consists of 52 items divided into five subscales. 1) Interpersonal Strengths. 2) Family Involvement 3) Interpersonal Strengths. 4) School Functioning. 5) Affective Strengths

Area of assessment
Behavior, General health, Mental health, Social.

Family/caregiver, Pediatric, School.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Almutairi, H. 2010 children healthy Kuwait
Contact Author
Al‐Mutairi, Hamed 2008 Both parents of students from public and private schools Kuwait
533 Contact Author


The CBCL is a standardized form that parents fill out to describe their children’s behavioral and emotional problems.. CBCL/2 to 3 syndromes are designated in six areas: anxious/depressed, withdrawn, sleep problems, somatic problems, aggressive behavior, and destructive behavior

Area of assessment
Behavior, Mental health, anxiety, Depresssion, Sleep/insomnia.


Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Yunis, F 2007 3 Both healthy United Arab Emirates
694 Contact Author


Measure of assessment of asthma control in children.

Area of assessment

Pediatric, Pulmonary.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ouali, H. 2012 4 - 11 Both asthma Tunisia
AlTeneiji M 2018 4 - 11 Both diagnosis of asthma United Arab Emirates
105 Not available


Tool for assessing health status in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Evaluates activities of daily living (ADLs) considered by expert opinion to be important and often difficult) for children with arthritis. The childhood HAQ has been adapted from the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire. At the present time, only the sections on disability and discomfort and pain have been adapted for use in children. Disability is measured in the categories of dressing, arising, eating, walking, hygiene, grip, and activities. Discomfort is determined by the presence of pain and its severity. It may be is either parent- or self-administered. For each of these categories parents are asked to record the amount of difficulty their child may have. Parents are requested to note only those difficulties that are caused by arthritis.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El Meidany,Y.M. 2003 Both children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Egypt
Saudi Arabia
Madi, S. M. 2004 Both juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Saudi Arabia
Rostom, S. 2010 4 - 16 Female patients Morocco


The Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) is a novel package of questionnaires, interviews, and rating techniques designed to generate ICD-10 and DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses on 5-16-year-olds. Nonclinical interviewers administer a structured interview to parents about psychiatric symptoms and resultant impact. When definite symptoms are identified by the structured questions, interviewers use open-ended questions and supplementary prompts to get parents to describe the problems in their own words. These descriptions are transcribed verbatim by the interviewers but are not rated by them. A similar interview is administered to 11-16-year-olds. Teachers complete a brief questionnaire covering the main conduct, emotional, and hyperactivity symptoms and any resultant impairment. The different sorts of information are brought together by a computer program that also predicts likely diagnoses. These computer-generated summary sheets and diagnoses form a convenient starting point for experienced clinical raters, who decide whether to accept or overturn the computer diagnosis (or lack of diagnosis) in the light of their review of all the data, including transcripts. (Goodman et al, 2000)

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, General health, Mental health.

Pediatric, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Zeinoun, P. 2012 5 - 17 Both child and adolescent psychiatric outpatients Lebanon
40 Contact Author


Children's Pain Scale San Salvador- Measure originally in French used to evaluate pain in children with multiple disabilities.

Area of assessment

Neurology, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ben Chehida, A. 2015 Both multiple disabilities Tunisia


A standard method for professionals to measure a child’s sensory processing abilities and to profile the effect of sensory processing on functional performance in the child’s daily life. This profile is designed for children from birth to 36 months and applicable for children with all types of disabilities and severity levels. It is a judgment-based caregiver questionnaire and each item describes children’s responses to various sensory experiences. Certain patterns of performance are indicative of difficulties with sensory processing and performance. When combined with other evaluations, observations, and reports, results of the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile provide another perspective on the child’s strengths and challenges for diagnostic and intervention planning. (

Area of assessment

Neurology, Pediatric, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Abu-Dahab, S. M. 2014 19 - 44 Both healthy Jordan


A questionnaire completed by parents to assess the impact of atopic dermatitis on the quality of life of infants aged 0-3 years

Area of assessment
Beliefs, Knowledge/attitude, Mental health, Perception.

Dermatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alzolibani, A. A. 2013 Both families of infants with atopic dermatitis and healthy controls Saudi Arabia


Measure of maternal attitude toward infant feeding methods and to predict breastfeeding intention and exclusivity

Area of assessment
Knowledge/attitude, Perception.

Obstetric, Pediatric, Women's health.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Charafeddine, L. 2016 The mean (SD) age of the women was 32.1 (7.7) years Female healthy pregnant and support mothers Lebanon


The JAMAR (developed by Filocamo et al 2011) is a parent/patient-reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). It includes 15 items that assess well-being, pain, functional status, health-related quality of life, morning stiffness, disease activity, disease status and course, joint disease, extraarticular symptoms, side effects of medications, therapeutic compliance, and satisfaction with illness outcome. The JAMAR is proposed for use as both a proxy-report and a patient self-report, with the suggested age range of 7-18 years for use as a self-report.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Mental health, Pain, Quality of life, Symptoms.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Mayouf, S. M. 2012 Both juvenile idiopathic arthritis and their parents 10
Aiche, M. F. 2018 Both JIA patients Algeria
Al-Abrawi, S. 2018 Both 58 JIA patients and 85 healthy children Oman
Hashad, S. 2018 6.1 - older Both 100 children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and 100 healthy children Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Al-Mayouf, S. M. 2018 Both JIA patients and healthy children Saudi Arabia
El Meidany,Y.M. 2018 Both Patients and healthy children Egypt


A validated developmental screening tool for toddlers between 16 and 30 months of age. It is designed to identify children who may benefit from a more thorough developmental and autism evaluation. The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-Up (M-CHAT-R/F; Robins, Fein, & Barton, 2009) is a 2-stage parent-report screening tool to assess risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Area of assessment

Neurology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Klein, T. J. 2015 Both Autism spectrum disorder children,healthy children Oman
Tabril, T 2021 Not available Morocco


A scale developed to measure a perceptual variable believed to influence parents' response to their child's illness and hospitalization. This 31-item Likert-format scale was modified from the original form of the uncertainty scale. It includes four factors; ambiguity, lack of clarity, lack of information, and unpredictability

Area of assessment

Family/caregiver, Oncology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Yateem, N. 2017 Parents of children with chronic illnesses United Arab Emirates

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