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66 search results


Originally developed by James F. Fries and colleagues at Stanford University in 1978, Developed as a comprehensive measure of outcome in patients with a wide variety of rheumatic diseases but now also used for other conditions and aging , Should be considered a generic rather than a disease-specific instrument. Its focus is on self-reported patient-oriented outcome measures, rather than process measures. The Full Five-Dimension HAQ, assesses a hierarchy of patient outcomes in four domains: 1) disability, 2) discomfort and pain, 3) drug side effects (toxicity) and 4) dollar costs.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain, Symptoms.

Geriatric, Health, Orthopedic /rheumatology.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El Meidany,Y.M. 2003 Both Rheumatoid Arthritis Bahrain
Saudi Arabia
Syrian Arab Republic
Meidany, Y. M. El. 2003 Both rheumatoid arthritis Egypt
Syrian Arab Republic
Saudi Arabia
Shehab, D 1998 median 38 Both outpatient rheumatology Kuwait
41 Contact Author


A multidimensional self-report instrument for assessing the key dimensions of sexual function in women. The measure covers six domains of sexual function (desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain) as well as a total score.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain, Satisfaction/patient experience, Sexual function.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Anis, T. 2011 16 - 60 Female Not available Egypt
Lahlou, R. 2013 45 ± 9.10 Female Rheumatoid arthritis Morocco
31 Contact Author


A unidimensional questionnaire measuring health and impairment in functioning in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). The self-reprt questionnaire measures functioning and health across 17 aspects of health ; contains items addressing categories of pain, emotional functions, sleep, sexual function, mobility, self care, and community life. Developed under the auspices of the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, General health, Mental health, Pain, Symptoms.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Kiltz, U. 2016 18 - 86 Both patients Egypt
Kiltz, U. 2014 42.4 (13.9) years axial spondyloarthritis 10
Kiltz, U. 2014 42.4 +/-13.9 Both spondyloarthritis 206 Free

Not available

A two part questionnaire that assesses chronic pain. Part 1) a screening interview that lasts approximately 5 min and consists of 12 questions to assess the prevalence of chronic pain , the duration of pain, frequency of pain during last week, intensity of pain during last episode of pain, location of the pain, and the cause of the pain. Part 2) Respondents who fulfilled certain screening criteria of the initial screening questionnaire were then interviewed in-depth using the second questionnaire of 44 questions. This in-depth interview lasted approximately 23 min

Area of assessment


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Elzahaf, R. A. 2011 52 ±18years Female pain Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


A self-administered, disease-specific measure developed with reference to the Japanese editions of SF-36, and the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ) to assess health-related quality of life. Items were categorized into five factors. The factors were named based on the commonality of the items: social function, mental health, lumbar function, walking ability, and low back pain.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain, Activities of daily living, Mental health, Quality of life, Social.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alfayez, S.M. 2017 10 - 72 Both patients Saudi Arabia

Not available

Index of severity for osteoarthritis of the knee. This can be used to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions.Sections for index: It has five questions pertaining to pain or discomfort, 1 question dealing with maximum distance walked, and four questions about activities of daily living.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Guermazi, M. 2004 46 - 56 Both knee osteoarthritis Tunisia

Not available

The Structured Telephone Interviews Questionnaire on Chronic Pain consists of a screening interview and a structured in-depth-interview questionnaire. The screening interview lasts approximately 5 minutes and consists of 12 questions to gather data on age and gender of participants and the duration of pain, frequency of pain during the previous week, intensity of pain during last pain episode, location of pain, and cause of pain. The structured in-depth-interview lasts approximately 23 minutes and consists of 44 questions to gather information about demographics, frequency, duration, intensity, and impact of pain on work and quality of life. In addition, the structured in-depth interview questionnaire gathers information about treatments, care pathways and the participants’ attitudes to their pain and its treatment, and their perceptions of the attitudes of their family, friends, colleagues, and doctors to their pain and its treatment. (Elzahaf et al 2013)

Area of assessment

Cardiovascular, Gastroenterology, Geriatric, Gynecology, Health, Hematology, Metabolic /endocrine, Neurology, Obstetric, Oncology, Oral health, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Palliative, Pulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, Urogenital, Women's health, Ent, Infectious disease, Psychiatric.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Elzahaf, R. A. 2013 52 ± 18 Both random Libyan Arab Jamahiriya


Measure of kinesiophobia (fear of movement) . Initially used to measure fear of movement related to chronic low back pain, Now also used for pain related to different body parts including the cervical spine. The TSK is a self-completed questionnaire.

Area of assessment
Behavior, Beliefs, Function/disability/performance, Mental health, Pain, Perception.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Hawamdeh, Z. 2014 low back pain Jordan
Contact Author
Yangui, N. 2017

Not available
Not available



set of standardized questionnaires used by health professionals to evaluate the condition of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, including pain, stiffness, and physical functioning of the joints. The WOMAC has also been used to assess back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and fibromyalgia. It can be self-administered and was developed at Western Ontario and McMaster Universities in 1982.measures five items for pain (score range 0–20), two for stiffness (score range 0–8), and 17 for functional limitation (score range 0–68).[ Physical functioning questions cover everyday activities such as stair use, standing up from a sitting or lying position, standing, bending, walking, getting in and out of a car, shopping, putting on or taking off socks, lying in bed, getting in or out of a bath, sitting, and heavy and light household duties. The questions on the WOMAC are a subset of the questions of the Hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score (HOOS). Thus, a HOOS survey may also be used to determine a WOMAC score. (Wikipedia, 2018)

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Guermazi, M. 2004 40 - 80 Both knee osteoarthritis Tunisia
103 Free


The Anterior Knee Pain Scale (AKPS) – sometimes called the Kujala Scale (Kujala et al 1993) is a 13-item knee-specific self-report questionnaire. It documents response to six activities thought to be associated specifically with anterior knee pain syndrome (walking, running, jumping, climbing stairs, squatting, and sitting for prolonged periods with knees bent), as well as symptoms such as limp, inability to weight bear through the affected limb, swelling, abnormal patellar movement, muscle atrophy and limitation of knee flexion. The AKPS asks about duration of symptoms and limb(s) affected. The maximum score is 100 and lower scores indicate greater pain/disability. Scoring is hierarchical using various types of categorisation including ‘no difficulty – unable’ and ‘no pain – severe pain.’ Some sections incorporate grading of the distance able to be walked or run without pain. The section on stair climbing distinguishes those with pain only on descending stairs from those who experience pain both ascending and descending. (Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 2009 Vol. 55 )

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Alshehri, A. 2017 18 - 45 Both Patellofemoral pain syndrome Saudi Arabia
40 Free


The gold standard for measuring and evaluating disease activity in Ankylosing Spondylitis. Includes 6 questions pertaining to the 5 major symptoms of AS: Fatigue Spinal pain Joint pain / swelling Areas of localized tenderness (also called enthesitis, or inflammation of tendons and ligaments) Morning stiffness duration Morning stiffness severity

Area of assessment
Pain, Symptoms.

Orthopedic /rheumatology.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El Meidany,Y.M. 2008 Both ankylosing spondylitits 73
Rostom, S. 2010 35.5 Both suffering from AS Morocco


Assesses the severity of pain and the impact of pain on daily functions for patients with pain from chronic diseases or conditions such as cancer, osteoarthritis and low back pain, or with pain from acute conditions such as postoperative pain In self report or interview, Assessment areas: Severity of pain, impact of pain on daily function, location of pain, pain medications and amount of pain relief in the past 24 hours or the past week

Area of assessment

Cardiovascular, Ent, Gastroenterology, Geriatric, Gynecology, Hematology, Infectious disease, Metabolic /endocrine, Neurology, Obstetric, Oncology, Oral health, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Palliative, Psychiatric, Pulmonary, Rehabilitation, Renal, Urogenital, Women's health, Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Health.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ballout, S. 2011 18 - older Both oncology patients receiving pain treatment Lebanon
75 Pay


Tool for assessing health status in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Evaluates activities of daily living (ADLs) considered by expert opinion to be important and often difficult) for children with arthritis. The childhood HAQ has been adapted from the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire. At the present time, only the sections on disability and discomfort and pain have been adapted for use in children. Disability is measured in the categories of dressing, arising, eating, walking, hygiene, grip, and activities. Discomfort is determined by the presence of pain and its severity. It may be is either parent- or self-administered. For each of these categories parents are asked to record the amount of difficulty their child may have. Parents are requested to note only those difficulties that are caused by arthritis.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El Meidany,Y.M. 2003 Both children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Egypt
Saudi Arabia
Madi, S. M. 2004 Both juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Saudi Arabia
Rostom, S. 2010 4 - 16 Female patients Morocco


Children's Pain Scale San Salvador- Measure originally in French used to evaluate pain in children with multiple disabilities.

Area of assessment

Neurology, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Ben Chehida, A. 2015 Both multiple disabilities Tunisia


The JAMAR (developed by Filocamo et al 2011) is a parent/patient-reported outcome measure that enables a thorough assessment of the disease status in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). It includes 15 items that assess well-being, pain, functional status, health-related quality of life, morning stiffness, disease activity, disease status and course, joint disease, extraarticular symptoms, side effects of medications, therapeutic compliance, and satisfaction with illness outcome. The JAMAR is proposed for use as both a proxy-report and a patient self-report, with the suggested age range of 7-18 years for use as a self-report.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Mental health, Pain, Quality of life, Symptoms.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Pediatric.

Age Group
Child/adolescent- 0-19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Mayouf, S. M. 2012 Both juvenile idiopathic arthritis and their parents 10
Aiche, M. F. 2018 Both JIA patients Algeria
Al-Abrawi, S. 2018 Both 58 JIA patients and 85 healthy children Oman
Hashad, S. 2018 6.1 - older Both 100 children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and 100 healthy children Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Al-Mayouf, S. M. 2018 Both JIA patients and healthy children Saudi Arabia
El Meidany,Y.M. 2018 Both Patients and healthy children Egypt


The OAKHQoL is a 43-item questionnaire composed of five dimensions (physical activities, pain, mental health, social activities and social support) and three independent items. Patients were asked to report the impact of osteoarthritis on their quality of life over the last 4 weeks

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Mental health, Pain, Quality of life, Social.

Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Serhier, Z. 2012 Both oteoarthritis of knee or hip Morocco


A fibromyalgia screening tool for pain and non pain symptoms for use in both general population and patient samples

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain, Screening/risk.

Health, Orthopedic /rheumatology, Rehabilitation.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Yahia, A. 2010 Not available Tunisia


The NDI is adapted from Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire. It consists of 10 questions: pain intensity, personal care, lifting, reading, headaches, concentration, work, driving, sleeping, and recreation.

Area of assessment
Activities of daily living, Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Orthopedic /rheumatology.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Shaheen, A. A. 2013 Both neck pain Saudi Arabia


An index of 9 items that deal with 3 different aspects of the chronic prostatitis experience; 1- Pain location, severity and frequency 2-Urinary function ( irritative and obstructive) 3-Quality of life - effect of symptoms on daily activities.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain, Quality of life.


Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
El-Nashaar A 2006 Both chronic pelvic pain syndrome patents and controls Egypt
160 Contact Author


A comprehensive measure of self-reported dysfunction, discomfort and disability attributed to oral conditions.

Area of assessment
Function/disability/performance, Pain.

Oral health.

Age Group
Adult- over 19 years

Literature on Arabic translation/validation of measure
Author/link to article Publication year Population Sample Size Access to measure
Age Gender Condition Country
Al-Jundi, M. A. 2007 adults Both Not available Saudi Arabia

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